Monday, September 14, 2020

New Case Blog ALERT!!!!

 I plan on working on a new blog post this week in regards to the mysterious death of Missy Bevers. If you have not looked into this case I highly suggest you watch Still a Mystery or just google her case. It is intriguing to me on many levels. The video footage shows what appears to be a woman walking around the crime scene hours before Missy's murder however now I believe it could be a man with a very distinct walk. I will delve into it more this week and follow up with resources, videos, and links to pages to help resolve this case. 

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and please share with your friends! :) Thanks!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

NAMUS--National Missing and Unidentified Missing Persons System

 If you are a true crime lover and purveyor like me you are probably aware of NAMUS as many of the popular true crime blogs and podcasts use NAMUS for case research however did you know you can have a free account so YOU can be a helper in finding and possibly identifying people? Giving a name to an unidentified person is HUGE. It is a great sense of accomplishment and it feels wonderful to have a family reunited with someone that may have been lost to time and circumstances. 

One of the biggest unknowns lately has been the hiker found in Florida known as "Mostly Harmless" or "Denim" as a trail name. He was found deceased in his sleeping bag in his tent. It is an intriguing case for sure and his identity is unknown as of this writing. I will include below links to FB pages and the sheriff's office so you can peruse and see if you could be the key to unlocking his identity. :),Trail%20he%20traveled%20the%20Pinhoti%20and%20Florida%20Trails.

If you think you know this man please contact the Collier County Sheriff’s Office 239-252-9300

Book work

 I have committed to writing for at least one hour 3 days a week until my sister's book is completed. It may not seem like much however with homeschooling 3 kids, a large, busy farm, my health journey and travel it is all I can commit right now. I plan to write on this blog a few times a week to keep me accountable as well as provide true crime case information on some cases I have found interesting in my studies. If you have suggestions for the blog, or my book, please reach out! A few of you have already reached out and I am very thankful for your input. 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

True Crime Podcast recommendations

 I have been asked by several people to share the true crime podcasts I listen to and recommend so here is a list I put together to share!

True Crime Garage


Southern Fried True Crime

Crime Junkie

Park Predators

Already Gone

Crime Warp


Up and Vanished

Unsolved Murders

Counter Clock


Bear Brook (limited run podcast but a good listen!)


Forensic Files

I hope this helps you to gain some new podcasts to give a listen to and help you gain more true crime knowledge. :) 

Book title, musings, and the start of the novel for Mary Frances....

 I will be writing on my blog more often from now on as I am in the midst of writing my sister's story. The true story. Not the watered down, inaccurate information portrayed in other mediums but REAL FACTUAL truth. The substance of my writing is coming from memory, news articles, letters from people after my sister's death, interviews with those close to the murder and investigation, and much more. I am investing myself all in for the next year or two, however long it takes to get the information from my mind and other resources into a book format. This is my first time writing a book so please be patient. I have lots of good information and resources already however if you are reading this and would like to be interviewed for the book, please reach out via my blog or other social media platforms. 

This book will delve into her short life, her family, her senseless murder, the 3 trials for her murderer, the eventual execution of her murderer, death row in general, death row in Ga, and much more. 

In the meantime if you would like for me to cover a case on my blog, please reach out and let me know. If you know of someone that is missing and you would like for me to cover their case or help to spread the information, please let me know! I look forward to hearing from you all. 

Also, please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this blog! :) Thanks!
