Sunday, January 17, 2016

Making a Murderer

First, let me preface this with saying I have NOT watched this series however I have read a few articles in regards to the story and these are my musings thus far.

Steven Avery is guilty. Yes, there may have been evidence handled inappropriately however the overwhelming information and facts presented leave no doubt that he killed Teresa Hallbach. The evidence that I have read about is her key being found in his personal items, her bones being found in a burn pit on the property where she was last seen, her vehicle was found covered by debris on the property, her unease about being around him from previous experiences where he had made inappropriate sexual innuendos, and there are a few other items mentioned in other articles that clearly point to him. I do not believe his nephew assisted in the killing or rape. I believe he is an innocent mildly mentally challenged person that was roped into this trial to help the prosecution with their case. Mr. Avery had a history of sexual and other petty crimes that he had served time for previously. I believe he lured her out to his family's auto salvage yard with the intent of raping and murdering her. He is a predator and should not be released into the general public again or else more murder will likely occur at his hands. He is a sociopath and has no empathy for what occurs to others around him. He is playing the system like so many others however this time he has national attention because of the Netflix show, Making a Murderer. He claims he didn't kill her however I do not believe he has offered how she got to the burn pit on the property he lived on if not by his hands. Also, he has not offered why her vehicle was found on the property covered by debris and branches if not by him, or someone else in his family. His family of course believes his innocence however the victim's family and friends do not believe his innocence claim and are only (RIGHTFULLY!) looking for answers and closure (elusive and yet they will likely never find it) in this case. The victim's mother will not even be interviewed by the media due to the sensitive and painful memory of what her daughter likely endured.

What are your thoughts? Do you think he is innocent? Let me know….

1 comment:

  1. I don't think he is innocent although there was a whole lot of misconduct going on in that police department. I do feel really bad for the nephew who should not have received the sentence he did. I'm not really sure if he's innocent or not but at the very least he was taken advantage of by the very people who should be protecting us and then thrown away like he was nothing.
